The Best Working Capital Loan Solution
Renovate, purchase equipment, increase your inventory or expand your business operations
The Loan with No Limitations
If you are in a cash-flow crunch or need to invest in your business, you’ve come to the right place. General Financial is a focused financing company that specializes in working capital loans. We offer a fast and simple way to secure the cash you need for your business. Our easy working capital loan application can be completed and submitted in a matter of minutes. We will provide you with a decision shortly. Once your loan is approved, we document it and the funds will be transferred into your business bank account the same or next day. No driving to and from banks and no waiting or wasting your valuable time.
Key Benefits
Cover day-to-day expenses
Whether it’s payroll, inventory, marketing or advertising, we help cover with your business finances.
Cover unexpected emergencies
If something were to happen, we provide you with access to funds to help cover unforseen costs.
Scale as you grow
Growing a business can cost more money than you currently have. This is where we can help you.
Secure a lease or commercial space
Get the business you want without having to dip into your personal savings.
You Don’t Need Collateral or Perfect Credit
General Financial working capital loans are hassle-free and customized to meet the specific needs of your business. The loan is unsecured debt, which means this does not require the collateral of a bank loan. Plus, all credit scores are always considered. The end result is your approval.
Unsecured financing up to $2,000,000
With flexible terms from 1 to 5 Years
Why Choose General Financial
To build strong relationships between your company, your customers, and us
F&I Department
To operate as though we are your company’s finance department, always updated and informed
To secure programs that enhance your competitive position and satisfy your customers
To learn approval expectations as soon as possible after your application is reviewed
To have a realistic timeline for approval, delivery, transaction closing
Credit Window
To successfully close transactions with less than stellar credit applications